photo of lunch for #vocabulary lesson

Lunch on a quiet Monday at home feeling UNDER THE WEATHER. Don’t worry; this is just one of the four slices that I consumed. 😛

I’ve been home feeling under the weather the past two days. I think I caught my cold early last week when I started sniffling off and on. I must say I did a pretty good job keeping it at bay until Sunday, when it suddenly got worse and my nose started to run nonstop. 😐 I had hoped I’d feel better by Monday morning when I woke up, but no; I still felt crappy, so I decided to call in sick. Then I got another day off today to rest and recuperate some more.

This is so unlike me as I never really ever call in sick. However, I really felt like I needed to give my body some time to rest this time. I just hope I feel completely well tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Ready for the #vocabulary?

  • UNDER THE WEATHER – sick; not feeling well
  • SNIFFLING – breathing noisily because of nose congestion
  • KEEP something AT BAY – keep something away or under control
  • CRAPPY – horrible (#slang)
  • CALL IN SICK – call your job to say you can’t go to work because you’re sick
  • RECUPERATE – get better from an illness
  • FINGERS CROSSED – a superstitious practice of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best


I hope you’re all doing well these days. Take care of yourselves! It’s no fun being sick; that’s for sure. 😐



Written by Joe, the small English guide

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